I'm mourning the loss of a dress... I left my university dorm for holidays at home but, in the middle of the stress of finals, I forgot a dress. My favorite dress, that I wore to my 21st birthday party. I had a friend look for it in my closet... but it's gone! It probably got stolen. I'm so depressed. I loved that dress! A minute of silence, to remember the beauty and happiness that it brought to my life in the short spam of time we were together...

On a different note... I don't know whether to laugh or cry... look what I found in Bershka last week:

Am I crazy or those look just like:

And finally, I leave you with an invitation to check out the new
Lady Dior short film. Marion Cotillard, stunning like always. I must confess I much prefer Chanel's films, but I'm very biased in my opinion. I love Chanel.