June 16, 2011

Lanvin Resort 2012

I've seldom gotten so excited about a Resort collection as I have with this one. I adore Lanvin and Alber reminds me the reason why every time!

Oh and this is what all my children are going to dress like.

June 13, 2011

Emma Watson is Vogue's July cover

I rarely approve the use of actresses or celebrities as fashion magazine covers. I think it's a cheap trick to sell more copies. But this time, I have to make a huge exception. Look at Emma Watson in this July's Vogue cover, if you will. Amazing falls short! Super high fashion. Love it. So, here you have her, the exception to the rule:

June 6, 2011

Lady Gaga CFDA winner!

Sorry it's been sooooo long! With finals and a new summer internship I barely have had any time at all! But I had to share this bit of news. It makes me very happy to announce that Lady Gaga just won the CFDA Fshion Icon Award. I really can't think of anyone who deserves it more. Here you have her, earlier today, sporting a brand new bright blue Anna Wintour-ish do. Probably in allusion to her new single, Hair.

Marc Jacobs won the life achievement award. Another worthy honoree.